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Journal of Dance Education; Heft 4, 23(2023)

Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) (Geistiger Schöpfer)
Medienkennzeichen: ZKH
Jahr: 2024
Verlag: Philadelphia, Taylor & Francis Group
Zählung: Heft 4, 23(2023)
Mediengruppe: Zeitschriftenheft
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Standorte: Bibliothek Status: Präsenzbestand Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist: Ausleihhinweis:


Medienkennzeichen: ZKH
Jahr: 2024
Verlag: Philadelphia, Taylor & Francis Group
Enthaltene Werke: Body image and mirror exposure: the impact of partial versus full mirror use on beginner-level ballet students / by Sally Radell u.a., Kinesthetic dialogue: the "hands-off" transmission of embodied knowledge through silent dance pedagogy / by Tanya Berg, Embodying the dance rehearsal: the time,space and situatedness of dance making / by Marsha Barsky, Troubling the frame: Laban movement analysis as critical dialogue / by Crystal Davis, Improvisitional dance as enactive cognition: What do Novice Dancers teach us about embodied cognition in dance? / by Lindsay Lindberg
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik Hz
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ISSN: 1529-0824
Jahrgang: 23
Zählung: Heft 4, 23(2023)
Schlagwörter: Pedagogy; Communication; Dance Studies; Somesthesia; Ballet; Dance / Study and teaching; Kinästhesie; Rehearsal; Movement analysis; Laban, Rudolf; Cognition; Improvisation; Body image
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Mediengruppe: Zeitschriftenheft