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Journal of Dance Education; 11(2011), Heft 2

Author: Search for this author National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
Medium identifier: ZKH
Year: 2011
Publisher: New Jersey, Routledge Taylor & Francis
Count: 11(2011), Heft 2
Media group: Zeitschriftenheft
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Locations: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:


Author: Search for this author National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
Medium identifier: ZKH
Year: 2011
Publisher: New Jersey, Routledge Taylor & Francis
Works included: Interacting in the Learning Community "Build a Ballet": a cross-disciplinary project for students , Poetic Steps: fusing African American Poetry and choreography in classroom practice, Embodied Writing: a tool for teaching and learning in dance , Holistic Education: using the tools of Marian Chace to teach dance in higher education , Laban for student actors: probing physical and mental limits
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Classification: Search for this systematic Hz
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ISSN: 1529-0824
Volume: 11
Count: 11(2011), Heft 2
Tags: Dramaturgie; Choreographie; Literatur; zeitgenössischer Tanz; Tanzpädagogik; Theater; Tanzgeschichte; Tanztherapie; Bewegungsforschung; Laban, Rudolf; Projekt; Kinästhesie
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Language: Englisch
Media group: Zeitschriftenheft