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Gesualdo [Bildtonträger]

death for five voices ; the composer Carlo Gesualldo (1560-1613)
Author: Search for this author Herzog, Werner
Statement of Responsibility: by Werner Herzog
Medium identifier: AVDV
Year: 2007
Publisher: Leipzig, Arthaus Musik
Media group: Audio Visuell


LocationsStatusReservationsDue dateLending note
Locations: Eb Ges Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note: mit Beiheft


Author: Search for this author Herzog, Werner
Statement of Responsibility: by Werner Herzog
Medium identifier: AVDV
Year: 2007
Publisher: Leipzig, Arthaus Musik
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Classification: Search for this systematic Eb
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Description: 1 DVD (NTSC, Ländercode 0, 60 MIn.) : farb., PCM stereo ; 12 cm + 1 Beih.
Tags: Komponisten; Barock; Renaissance; Biografie
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Footnote: Bildformat 16:9 in dt., ital., engl. Sprache Untertitel franz., span.
Media group: Audio Visuell