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Dance & costumes

a history of dressing movement
Author: Search for this author Matamoros, Elna (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Elna Matamoros
Medium identifier: SKH
Year: 2021
Publisher: Berlin, Alexander Verlag
Series: Sub Texte; Vol. 24
Media group: Buch


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To read "Dance & Costumes" is to travel back and forth between the court of Louis XIV and the Twenty First Century and to become aware of the milieu for which different styles of costumes were created. Toe shous and tutus are dicussed but so are shifts, tunics, body-tights and length of fabric.
There is a great deal more in designing for dance than art-work on paper being translated into a decorative garment worn by a dancer. it becomes part of the dance and, as this volumes reveals, the most interesting costumes are those created in collaboration with the movement the choreographers and dancers devise.
Das Buch liefert erstmals eine fundierte und gut lesbare Geschichte der Ver- und Enthüllung des Körpers und der damit einhergehenden Evolution des Bühnentanzes seit dem 17. Jahrhundert.
Eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Abbildungen u. a. aus dem Victoria & Albert Museum, MoMA, Musée d Orsay, dem Museo Reina Sofía, der National Gallery of Washington, dem British Museum, dem Deutschen Historischen Museum und dem Kunst-haus Zürich veranschaulicht die Entwicklung bis in die Gegenwart.


Author: Search for this author Matamoros, Elna (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Elna Matamoros
Medium identifier: SKH
Year: 2021
Publisher: Berlin, Alexander Verlag
Works included: 1. Dancing on stage: an introduction ; 2. The emancipation of dance: costumes, choreography and attitudes ; 3. Unveiling the body ; 4. The Ballerina: muse and star, the early tutus (Romantik) ; 5. Technique and romantic aesthetics, 6. The Spanish Bolero School: characters and costumes 8. Marius Petipa's virtuosistic ballets (Academic Dance) ; 9. Isadora Duncan's explosion of freedom ; 10. Dissolved in the air or materialized into a robot ;, 11. Body, science and geometry - Dalcroze-Schule, Cabaret Voltaire, Triadisches Ballett und Kostüm, ab Seite 318 Ausführungen zum Tanzstil und Kostüm von Gret Palucca ; 12. The contributions of Les Ballets Russes ; 13. New insights, ways and media
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Classification: Search for this systematic Hd, He, Mx
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ISBN: 978-3-89581-547-8
ISBN (2nd): 3-89581-547-0
Description: 459 Seiten : ca. 170 farbige Illustrationen
Series: Sub Texte; Vol. 24
Tags: Tanzgeschichte; Dance costume; Tanz; Kostüme; Tänzerinnen; Anthropologie; Körper
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Language: Englisch
Media group: Buch