Cover von Dance Now; 17(2008),  Heft 1 opens in new tab

Dance Now; 17(2008), Heft 1

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Medium identifier: ZKH
Year: 2008
Count: 17(2008), Heft 1
Media group: Zeitschriftenheft
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Locations: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:


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Medium identifier: ZKH
Year: 2008
Works included: Mikhail Lavrovsky, Lydia Lopokova and the birth of British ballet, Amjad von Edouard Lock, Beijing Modern Dance Company, Hans van Manen
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Classification: Search for this systematic Hz
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ISSN: 0966-6346
Volume: 17
Count: 17(2008), Heft 1
Tags: Tanzgeschichte; Großbritannien; VanManen, Hans; Bausch, Pina
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Language: Englisch
Media group: Zeitschriftenheft