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Cover von Pinocchio [Bildtonträger]
eine Ballettfantasie
Author: Vieru, Nicolae Search for this author
Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1999
Publisher: Schweinfurt, gen X
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Gregor Seyffert [Bildtonträger]
ein Tänzer auf Achse ; ein Filmporträt
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Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1999
Publisher: Berlin, Pinguin
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Steve Paxton [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American Modern Dance
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Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1996
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 15
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Pilobolus [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American modern dance
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Medium identifier: AVDV
Year: 1997
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 24
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Erick Hawkins [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American Modern Dance
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Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1994
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 11
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Trisha Brown [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American Modern Dance
Search for this author
Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1996
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 14
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Pauline Koner [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American modern dance
Search for this author
Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1998
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 23
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Emperor Jones [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American Modern Dance
Search for this author
Medium identifier: AVVI
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 20
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Lucas Hoving [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American modern dance
Search for this author
Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1992
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 1
Media group: Audio Visuell
Cover von Anna Sokolow [Bildtonträger]
conversations with contemporary masters of American modern dance
Search for this author
Medium identifier: AVVI
Year: 1992
Publisher: ADF Video
Series: Speaking of Dance; 2
Media group: Audio Visuell