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Animated; (2022) Spring/Summer

the community dance magazine
Author: Search for this author Foundation for Community Dance (creator)
Medium identifier: ZKH
Year: 2022
Publisher: Suffolk, Countrywide Publications
Count: (2022) Spring/Summer
Media group: Zeitschriftenheft
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Locations: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:


Author: Search for this author Foundation for Community Dance (creator)
Medium identifier: ZKH
Year: 2022
Publisher: Suffolk, Countrywide Publications
Works included: Can you see, what I feel?: dance for people living with Parkinson / a research by physiotherapist Sophia Hulbert, From score to site: shaping a solo practice - improvised exploration outdoor by Yanelle Thiran, Centre for Dance Research Coventry University - collaborative working, Creating and analysing protest: What dance research can do - Susanne Foellmer sketches how choreography can be used for protesting (for exampl. the lockdown in the pandemic situation), 11 Million reasons to dance - CYMRU project
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Classification: Search for this systematic Hz
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ISSN: 0969-7225
Volume: 2022
Count: (2022) Spring/Summer
Tags: Großbritannien; Older people / Psychology; Community dance; Disabilities; Site-specific art; Improvisation; Alter
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Media group: Zeitschriftenheft