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Tanzgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts in einem Band

mit 101 Choreographenporträts
Author: Search for this author Schmidt, Jochen
Statement of Responsibility: Jochen Schmidt
Medium identifier: SKH
Year: 2002
Publisher: Berlin, Henschel Verl.
Media group: Buch


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Locations: Magazin Hd Schm Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:
Locations: Hd Schm Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:
Locations: Hd Status: reference collection Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:
Locations: Hd Schmi Status: done Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:


Author: Search for this author Schmidt, Jochen
Statement of Responsibility: Jochen Schmidt
Medium identifier: SKH
Year: 2002
Publisher: Berlin, Henschel Verl.
Works included: B. Nijinska. A. Tudor. O. Schlemmer. S. Lifar. A. de Mille. N. de Valois. MacMillan. E. Feld. E. Walter, F. Lopuchow. L. Lawrowski. J. Grigorowitsch. T. Schilling, P. Taylor. A. Nikolais. A. Sokolow. G. Tetley. B. Cullberg. K. Dunham. T. Beatty. G. Fagan, R. Petit. J. Neumeier. H. Spoerli. Y. Vàmos. U. Scholz. R. van Dantzig. J. Ulrich. R. Wherlock. N. Duato. R. Zanella. M. Schläpfer. A. Miller. O. Naharin, Y. Rainer. L. Childs. L. Dean. D. Reitz. B. T. Jones. A. Zane. A. T. de Keersmaeker. W. Vandekeybus. J. Fabre, G. Bohner. S. Linke. R. Hoffmann. J. Schlömer. U. Dietrich. H. Horn. D. Goldin. M. Marin. Gallotta. J. Nadj. A. Preljocaj, E. Lock. G. Laurin. M. Chouinard. Perreault. K. Ohno. U. Amagatsu. S. Teshigawara. Eiko & Komo. U. Shankar. Chandralekha. Kusumo. Ea Sola. Lin Hwai-min. M. Tankard, Meg Stuart. J. Bel
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Classification: Search for this systematic Hd
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ISBN: 3-89487-430-9
Description: 448 S. : Ill.
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Footnote: Literaturverz. S. 437 - 439
Media group: Buch